Right here, right now, Cape Town’s international airport is enjoying the arrival of aviation leaders from across the globe. The occasion? IATA’s Annual General Meeting.

As occurs across the globe when conferences, summits, congresses and meetings bring together leaders and followers, the question is asked: is it worth it? While the world’s heads of airlines and related industries converge under wintry South African skies, still two days away from the official start of their highly anticipated and greatly valued AGM, the answer to the question is a clear, confident ‘yes‘.

Why? Because of the impact that even the promise of union, and reunion, offers – inspiring leaders to stand taller, give more, share more, open up more, become more.

Once again, as is reinforced daily through the ever-increasing adoption of technology in our daily lives, the more tech we have, the more touch we need. Meaning is magnified.

It is not about increasing ‘friends’, it is about growing relationships.

It is not about network-based communities, it is about values-based peer groups.

It is not about ‘LIKE’ symbols, it is about real handshakes.

There are times in our ever-changing, ever-moving world, when e-connecting is enough. At others, what matters most, what makes the real difference, is going the distance – sharing a time, in a place, in collective commitment to a future.

Going the distance – the first step in bringing us closer together.



Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2013