And so arrived the moment so many had been waiting for, betting on, planning towards, wondering when……and at the same time, worrying about. The day when British Prime Minister the Right Honourable Theresa May, stepped out of one of the most recognised and iconic doors in the world – 10 Downing Street – to make it real:
24.05.2019, 10:00am London time, her words were spoken…
“it is now clear to me that it is in the best interests of the country for a new prime minister to lead that (Brexit deal approval) effort. So I am today announcing that I will resign as the leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party on Friday 7 June so that a successor can be chosen.”
In the days leading up to the moment all knew were coming, local media put forward their most desperate images and clever headlines in an effort to capture the essence of the angst of the moment. Focus was on failure: what had Her Excellency Prime Minister May NOT achieved? Where had she proven unable to lead? Why is this now the moment to admit defeat?
Sadly, and so reflective of the times in which we live, the macro is eclipsed by the micro. Those who should be celebrated for stepping forward and trying, with all of their faith, might, acumen, credibility and prayer, are faced with a chorus of watchers-on waiting for them to step out, demanding that they step out.
How does this happen?
How do people who enter an intensely competitive, challenging, aggressive, often damning space for the good of the people go, so rapidly, from being trusted and respected political sources and certainties representing the will of the people to someone the people will willingly celebrate seeing their demise? How has civilisation become so painfully uncivilised?
And how is this take-down acceptable?
24 hours on since resignation, an endless flow of endless commentary is flooding in. Analysis continues,….accusations endure. For all of her words reflecting on tenure, the defining moment of Prime Minister May’s time in office will be her announcement of resignation – especially her tears – the last 10 seconds of her entire address in which she choked up in unedited expression of her enduring love for, and commitment to, the country she loves.
As the UK now enters into ‘who next?’ territory, much will be made of Prime Minister May’s term in office, and how, sadly, it close with her conceding:
“I have done everything I can to convince MPs to back that deal. Sadly, I have not been able to do so.”
Not now, but one day, one day, history will judge, and honour, the fact that entering into the role of the Right Honourable Prime Minister on the back of a ‘leave‘ EU referendum, Prime Minister May did the best she could for the people of the UK, her people of the UK. Did her leadership yield the desired result? Clearly not. And so she now hands over the challenge of securing consensus to her successor.
And yet as she exits the stage, is it important to recognise and salute that, without question, she did her best, put it all out on the field?
No question about it.
Respect and decency where due. Thank you, Right Honourable Prime Minister May. Thank you, Ma’am. x
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2019
Thank you Anita for this recognition and expression of gratitude for Prime Minister May and her incredible dedication and national caring. I have not seen any retribution or responsibility taken by any of the members of Parliament and their inability to find the compromising path. And now today PM May ends her term. Hail to her efforts and to her stalwart intent to follow the democratic will of the people, despite her alignment.
I join you in this thank you! May historical records be kinder to her.
And now to the next chapter!!